stirring storytelling


Using her unique way of engaging audiences with touching stories and songs, Lisa Marie Thomas is on a mission to stir people with the power of storytelling.

Speaking Topics:

  • Digging up the Dirt: How sharing our “dirt” with young women can prevent trafficking and change lives (women’s groups only)

  • The Uphill Battle: How my father fought triumphantly through the Great Recession

  • Three Daughters Overnight: Our foster/adoption testimony and miracles

  • Blasted off the Hinges: What happened when we (somewhat reluctantly) started opening our home to others

  • The Choice for our Children’s Education: Testimonies of what God is doing through Choice Academies (TM)

  • Healing Through Homeschooling: How homeschooling helped our daughters heal

  • Writing Novels by Studying Scripts (for local (CO) libraries and book clubs only)

To request a speaking engagement, please fill out a contact form and include the company, ministry, or other group you are with.
