Dear Friend


Dear Friend,

I see that you are hurting.  I see that there are things in your life that are out of your control.  I see that you feel alone, just like I have.

But I want you to know that you are not alone. 

There is One who loves you, who wants you to rest in Him.  He wants you to give everything over into His hands and trust Him with your life.  He will take the weight from your shoulders.  He will be there to hold you when you are hurting and dry your eyes when you’re ready.  He wants you to be part of His household, where a giant party awaits you after this world passes away! 

But be warned, there are consequences for turning away from the Love that He sent to this world in the form of His Son.  Don’t turn away.  Don’t resist the One who loves you. 

Once you let go and let Him have your heart and your whole life, He will give you the strength you need.  He will fill you with a love and joy and peace like you have never felt before.  Trust me, you’ll want to do anything for Him when you find out what this feels like.  You’ll give your life back to Him as a gift because He gave His Son as a gift first.  He died a terrible death that you and I deserved, and then He rose again in victory.  Accept this gift like a child on Christmas morning, with eager hands and wide eyes.  You don’t need to have all the answers to all of life’s questions right now.  He’ll show you the things you need to know when you’re ready, through His Word, the Bible. 

For right now, get down on your knees wherever you are and say a prayer to accept Jesus as your Savior.  “God,” you can pray.  “God, I’m sorry for the sin in my life.  Cleanse me and make me new.  Sit on the throne of my heart, Jesus.  Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and rising again.  Be Lord of my life.  Help me to believe and follow you.”

And then, friend, there are things you can do to grow.  Open the Bible and read the book of John.  Surround yourself with good friends and good people from a local church.  Serve the community around you with the Love that has been given to you.  Read five Psalms a day and one chapter of Proverbs.  You’ll be growing before you even know what happened.


I love you, friend.  I really do. 

And He loves you even more than I do.
